A prevailing thought [ed: not for long] in the #MTGOP exists where people believe that a loud group of fringe politics can force all participants to their cause. A recent example is the loyalty oath put forth by the Ravalli County RCC who struck a line in the sand between those who support the established Republican platform and those who simply support a limited government. This line is one which currently favors the established party and hopes to force those who have much more moderate or libertarian views to the fringe. This is a line that will soon be crossed.
The 2014 GOP State Convention is a perfect example of the Maginot Line dividing the party. A division vote was requested when a member of the convention called to replace the Republican platform with the text of the constitution. The vote, which required a 2/3 majority due to the way it was called, got an exact 50/50 split in votes. While ultimately unsuccessful the vote tally shows the tectonic shift in the fundamental politics of those forming the #MTGOP. It shows a change to a rational and constitutionally based party grounded in sound political theory.
Unfortunately, Ravalli County RCC’s actions have become what people expect from Republicans. We see a forced party march to an idealistic yet unrealistic goal. This represents the former Republican party. A new party, understanding of the Constitution and the Republican platform pre-1972, stands to reset politics from its current partisan division.